- Meet in the North hall lobby at 8 pm on Friday (11/2/2012).
- Don't bring your standard Nerf ammo: Elite darts, Suction/Whistler darts and XLR (Vortex) disks will be provided.
- Bring your Nerf weapons if you have them, but we will loan out blasters if needed. My roommate and I will bring 11 blasters between us, so we shouldn't run out of blasters to loan out. (Non-Nerf dart blasters will be accepted, but you must provide your own darts as mine may not work.)
- NEW: Thrown socks (such as those used in HvZ) will also be legal ammunition. You may want to carry a few for backups. I will bring my sock balls which are marked and can be used by anyone, but by all means bring your own.
Special HvZ rules:
- Headbands/bandannas must not blend in with your clothes or hair; they must be clearly visible.
- Stunned Zombies must A) Put headbands around their necks rather than their heads to indicate inactivity and clear the area or B) Sit down on the ground
Extra note on modifications: Nerf gun modifications are not only allowed at DordtNerf but encouraged. I myself am an avid modder and virtually all of the blasters I loan out are modified for better performance. If you feel this puts your blasters at a disadvantage, I'll be more than willing to help you modify your blasters too. I can perform simple mods for you, teach you how to mod and even help you obtain materials for major mods (upgraded springs, high-voltage batteries, etc.).