
General info:

I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)

I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.

Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dead week deathmatch!

It's the weekend before dead week, meaning the homework is finally winding down. To celebrate, I'm holding a Nerf war in North hall. Set aside your end-of-semester projects for an hour or two and come fling some foam throughout North hall's hallways!

  • We will meet in the North hall lobby at 8 pm on Friday (tomorrow).
  • As per usual, ammunition will be provided in the form of Nerf darts and disks.
  • Legal weapons include Nerf blasters, other foam dart blasters, Nerf swords (and other Nerf melee weapons), other foam-padded swords, and sock balls (like those used in Humans vs Zombies)
  • Bring any weapons you have and would like to use, but we will also be loaning out quite a few weapons so coming empty-handed is no problem.
  • Invite your friends! More players make for more fun for all.