
General info:

I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)

I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.

Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Friday, November 16, 2012

East hall invasion this Saturday night

This week I figured we'll hold our Nerf war in East hall because we haven't had an official war there yet. Also, I think it would be best to hold this one on Saturday night because there's a Rube Goldberg contest on Friday night. Here are the important details:

  • Meet in the East hall lobby at 6:30 on Saturday.
  • Bring any Nerf weapons you have, but we will loan out blasters so don't be too afraid of getting stuck with what you bring.
  • Don't bring standard Nerf ammunition (Nerf darts or disks) because they will be provided.
  • Tell anyone who's interested, this was posted a bit late because I've been busy this week so people probably won't have heard about it yet.