
General info:

I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)

I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.

Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Covenant Wars - Saturday at 8:00

The War between the Red and Blue factions has spilled out of the boys dorms and into the basement of Covenant!  Meet in the main room of the Covenant basement at 8:00 PM on Saturday, September 28.

In case you're new and don't know what's going on:
  • I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)
  • I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.
  • Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Red vs Blue - East Hall, Sunday at 8:00

Sorry about the lack of Nerf wars last weekend, I've been a bit preoccupied with homework and my other hobbies. But now it's time to invade East hall with our dart-distributing devices! I've even obtained some red and blue bandanas so we can finally mark who is on each team. Not to mention the new Nerf gun I acquired which is a full-auto beast with high-voltage batteries. But I digress.

The point is, show up in the east hall lobby at 8:00 on Sunday. As usual...
  1. Darts (and disks) will be provided to everyone so we don't have to sort out who they belong to afterwards.
  2. Bring your Nerf blaster(s) and other gear with you, although I'll be loaning out gear as well. I have far more guns than I can use. ;)
  3. Spread the word to anyone that would be interested. We want more people to shoot at. :P