
General info:

I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)

I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.

Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Saturday, September 29, 2012

First DordtNerf war: Heartland break war

The first DordtNerf war will be held during the heartland break next weekend.

This will be a Nerf war open to anyone who will be at Dordt over break; you don't even need to own a Nerf gun to participate. If you have any Nerf guns that you'd be willing to loan out you should bring those along to so that everyone can play.

Standard Nerf ammunition will be supplied, no need to get your own darts mixed in:

  • Elite darts - fit in any dart blaster and work great in most
  • Suction/Whistler darts - work great in any dart blaster Elites don't work in
  • XLR disks - work in all Vortex blasters

Any non-Nerf blasters (i.e. Buzz Bee) that don't work with standard Nerf darts will have to come with their own ammunition for this war, in the future I might buy some Buzz Bee darts to supply but for now it's just Nerf ammo.

Along with this ammo arrangement comes a bit of responsibility on the part of the Nerfers who are coming:

  • First, you should let me know (through a comment) ahead of time that you are coming and what Nerf guns you are bringing so that I can buy enough ammo to supply them all.
  • Second, I would appreciate if Nerfers brought some money along, say a dollar or two, to help cover the cost of the ammo as I will be buying it out of pocket. If I end up with more donations than I spent on ammo in this war, I will use the money to buy ammo for future DordtNerf wars. Donations aren't required, but they would go a long way towards making this affordable for me.

Time and location:
This is my first time organizing a Nerf war in advance, so I need your help to decide when and where exactly it will be. The location will most likely be one of three places: North hall. East hall, or the Covenant hall basement; let me know if you have an opinion between the three. The time is extremely open ended on my end as I have nothing else planned over break, so if anyone has things planned let me know which times work best for you.

Spread the word!
Last but not least, I need you to tell others about DordtNerf and about the war. Post this on Facebook, email it to your friends and neighbors, put up signs on your dorm door. No one will know to come to the war if they don't hear about it!

1 comment:

  1. "No one will know to come to the war if they don't hear about it!" - I told you so. Well, many Nerfers did know about it but were gone or busy, but there were probably many people on campus who would have come had they known, we must spread the word earlier and wider next time. I will do my best to let others know about DordtNerf, but you can help a lot by telling your friends and neighbors as well.
