
General info:

I will provide standard Nerf ammunition for everyone. (Non-standard ammo e.g. BuzzBee darts not provided)

I will also loan out blasters, clips, and swords to whoever I can (I have a lot), but feel free to bring your own Nerf gear.

Be sure to let others know about the war! People won't come unless they know. ;)

Monday, January 28, 2013

Friday, February First - 7:30 in North hall

I'm planning the second war of the semester for this Friday (February 1). It will be in North hall again (mostly because I don't want to carry two loads of Nerf gear anywhere farther than the lobby) at 7:30 P.M.

All the usual things to remember:

  • Meet in the North hall lobby at 7:30.
  • Nerf ammunition (Darts and disks) will be provided.
  • Bring any Nerf guns (or melee weapons) you want.
  • I will also bring my Nerf blasters (and swords), which you are free to use.
  • Spread the word to anyone who's interested.
If enough people show up this time we could play a Nerf HvZ (Humans vs. Zombies) match or two, those are always loads of fun.

I think I'll also bring my head-mounted camera this time and film some first-person footage of the war to be posted on YouTube, this blog, and DordtNerf''s Facebook page. Hopefully that will help get the word about DordtNerf around campus.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this war was crazy and awesome. We started off in North and after the first round we only had about 3 people. Then we headed to East and that's when we started getting a bunch more players. The war lasted until about 10:30 and we amassed about 10 players and another 5 or so people who randomly shot us.
